Latest Articles

Grandmothers: Innovation Through Tradition

 Grandmother Project – Change through Culture (GMP) is an organisation dedicated to documenting the role of grandmothers and demonstrating the effectiveness of grandmother-inclusive strategies in...

Dr Robert Larkin | Cultivating Change to Improve Soil Health and Increase Potato Yield

 Environmental quality and food production are facing the pressing challenges of climate change and global population growth. Dr Robert Larkin from the United States Department of...

Professor Giorgio Buttazzo | Artificial Intelligence and a Crossroads for Humanity

 Where do we stand with artificial intelligence? Might machines take over our jobs? Can machines become conscious? Might we be harmed by robots? What is the future of humanity? Professor Giorgio...

Dr Michal Franta – Dr Jan Libich | Distribution Tails, Recession Risks and Macroeconomic Policies

 Article written by Dr Michal Franta of the Czech National Bank and Dr Jan Libich of La Trobe University/VSB-TUO. The Global Financial Crisis of 2007–2009 ignited significant reconsideration of...

Dr Ralf Adam | New Technologies Shaping the Future of Oral Hygiene

 Understanding the efficiency of various toothbrush technologies is essential for achieving optimal oral health. Dr Ralf Adam, who leads a dedicated team at Procter & Gamble in Germany, is keen...

WVU ADVANCE Center | West Virginia University Team Fosters Group-Level Equity and Inclusivity at Higher Education Institutions

 Despite ongoing efforts to broaden participation in the academy, many groups remain underrepresented. More needs to be done to ensure that all faculty and students succeed in institutions of higher...

Dr Olalla Castro-Alvaredo | Measuring Entanglement: Symmetry-Resolved Entropy

 Dr Olalla Castro-Alvaredo of the City University of London (UK) and her collaborators are advancing our understanding of an important phenomenon of quantum mechanical systems known as entanglement...

Allison Balabuch – Professor Ann Brower Stahl | Bringing Archaeology to the Classroom and Beyond: The African Archaeology Review

 The African Archaeology Review (AAR) journal recently celebrated its 40th anniversary. To mark this occasion, a special issue was compiled with an innovative theme: Archaeology for Education. To...

Professor Alan Templeton | When Fire Sparks Ecological Opportunity and Habitat Restoration

 How far would you be willing to go to save an endangered species? Would you consider burning part of a forest as a solution? As unconventional as it may sound, conservationists sometimes resort to...

Dr Arne Stensvand | Thermotherapy: Effective Disease and Pest Management Without Chemicals

 Dr Arne Stensvand and his team at the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research are developing physical methods of pest reduction in plants. The team is specifically interested in strawberry...

Medical & Health Sciences Latest

Earth, Environment & Agricultual Sciences

Dr Robert Larkin | Cultivating Change to Improve Soil Health and Increase Potato Yield

Dr Robert Larkin | Cultivating Change to Improve Soil Health and Increase Potato Yield

Environmental quality and food production are facing the pressing challenges of climate change and global population growth. Dr Robert Larkin from the United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) and a team of plant scientists developed and tested a range of crop management systems to help overcome these compounding challenges. Their work is improving soil health and increasing the yield of potato crops, contributing to the future food security of nations.

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Open access vs Public access the case for democratic outreach in academic communication

Open access vs Public access the case for democratic outreach in academic communication

While the move towards open access and its benefit to the wider scientific community is laudable, it comes at a cost—a cost, like most publishing costs in academia, that is ultimately funded by the general public. In 2023, approximately 45% of academic papers were published as open access. This figure represents a continuation of the growth trend seen in open access publishing over the past decade. This figure is based on all OA models: fully open access (gold), green (self-archived), bronze (free to read without a clear license), and hybrid models. Approximately $2.25 billion of public funds were spent to make those academic papers open access.

A cynical case for outreach

A cynical case for outreach

PewDiePie’s mention of Diogenes of Sinope in his reaction video to his house being robbed ignited a remarkable surge of interest in the classical philosopher. Following the video’s release, an additional 80 million Google searches related to Diogenes were recorded in the subsequent week.

SciComm Services

Physical Sciences & Mathematics Latest

Dr Olalla Castro-Alvaredo | Measuring Entanglement: Symmetry-Resolved Entropy

Dr Olalla Castro-Alvaredo | Measuring Entanglement: Symmetry-Resolved Entropy

Dr Olalla Castro-Alvaredo of the City University of London (UK) and her collaborators are advancing our understanding of an important phenomenon of quantum mechanical systems known as entanglement and, especially, its mathematical measures. Symmetry-resolved entanglement entropy is one such measure. Their study focuses on special quantum states which are excited with respect to a ground state. The research shows how the entanglement amongst quantum particles can be measured and assesses the contribution to the entanglement of quasiparticle excitations, particularly in the presence of additional symmetries.

Engineering & Computer Science Latest

Professor Giorgio Buttazzo | Artificial Intelligence and a Crossroads for Humanity

Professor Giorgio Buttazzo | Artificial Intelligence and a Crossroads for Humanity

Where do we stand with artificial intelligence? Might machines take over our jobs? Can machines become conscious? Might we be harmed by robots? What is the future of humanity? Professor Giorgio Buttazzo of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna is an expert in artificial intelligence and neural networks. In a recent publication, he provides considered insights into some of the most pressing questions surrounding artificial intelligence and humanity.

Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Latest

Grandmothers: Innovation Through Tradition

Grandmothers: Innovation Through Tradition

Grandmother Project – Change through Culture (GMP) is an organisation dedicated to documenting the role of grandmothers and demonstrating the effectiveness of grandmother-inclusive strategies in improving the health and well-being of women, children, and adolescents. GMP’s groundbreaking work challenges conventional wisdom to transform community-based interventions in Africa and beyond, harnessing a powerful but often overlooked resource: the wisdom and influence of grandmothers.

Life Sciences & Biology Latest

Professor Alan Templeton | When Fire Sparks Ecological Opportunity and Habitat Restoration

Professor Alan Templeton | When Fire Sparks Ecological Opportunity and Habitat Restoration

How far would you be willing to go to save an endangered species? Would you consider burning part of a forest as a solution? As unconventional as it may sound, conservationists sometimes resort to such measures to restore lost habitats. One remarkable example is the efforts to save eastern collared lizards – and indeed the entire biological community in which they live – in the Ozarks, spearheaded by American geneticist and statistician Professor Alan Templeton of Washington University in St Louis, USA.

Education & Training Latest

WVU ADVANCE Center | West Virginia University Team Fosters Group-Level Equity and Inclusivity at Higher Education Institutions

WVU ADVANCE Center | West Virginia University Team Fosters Group-Level Equity and Inclusivity at Higher Education Institutions

Despite ongoing efforts to broaden participation in the academy, many groups remain underrepresented. More needs to be done to ensure that all faculty and students succeed in institutions of higher education. The WVU ADVANCE Center is an academic hub at West Virginia University, which provides services, events, mentorship opportunities, and other initiatives that promote the sense of belonging that leads to thriving faculty and students.

Psychology & Neuroscience Latest

Professor Ken M Levy | The Boundaries of Free Will and Responsibility: From Academic Debate to the Real World

Professor Ken M Levy | The Boundaries of Free Will and Responsibility: From Academic Debate to the Real World

For almost thirty years, Professor Ken M Levy of Louisiana State University Law School has been thinking and writing about free will and responsibility. In several articles and his recent book, Free Will, Responsibility, and Crime: An Introduction (Routledge 2020), Professor Levy discusses a wide range of subjects, including the myth of the ‘self-made man’, whether psychopaths are culpable for their crimes, and the increasingly popular but highly controversial theory of responsibility scepticism. Professor Levy’s research has profound implications for law, ethics, and society.

Business, Economics & Finance Latest

Dr Michal Franta – Dr Jan Libich | Distribution Tails, Recession Risks and Macroeconomic Policies

Dr Michal Franta – Dr Jan Libich | Distribution Tails, Recession Risks and Macroeconomic Policies

The Global Financial Crisis of 2007–2009 ignited significant reconsideration of financial and economic policies, spurring extensive research efforts to prevent future crises and cultivate a more stable and inclusive economic framework. Our research proposes a macro-financial empirical modelling framework that can assess various short-term and long-term macroeconomic risks through the examination of the tails of distributions of macroeconomic variables. The analysis reveals many novel facts regarding higher moments of the US output growth distribution. It also implies new findings and policy recommendations related to the impact of financial (risk premia) as well as monetary policy shocks on downside macroeconomic risk.

Latest Issues
Scientia Issue #149 | Scientific Strategies for People and Planet

Scientia Issue #149 | Scientific Strategies for People and Planet

This issue of Scientia showcases the researchers making innovative advances in improving the health and well-being of people across the globe, as well as those dedicated to ensuring the health and sustainability of our planet. From advances in the Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences and Education & Training to Business, Economics & Finance and Engineering & Computer Science, we gain fascinating insights into how research drives a better and fairer world.

In Earth & Environmental Sciences, we present the latest developments in navigating the complex challenges of climate change. In Medical & Health Sciences, we update on efforts to confront the challenge of cancer and how diet can promote human longevity. Spotlight on SciComm Corner is a new section highlighting recent and interesting posts from Scientia’s webpages, sharing science communication advice and opinions from the Scientia team and guest bloggers.


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