by nick | Feb 22, 2017 | Earth & Environmental Sciences, Engineering & Computer Science
Dr David Eaton – Hydraulic Fracture Monitoring And Induced Microseismicity In Western Canada Dr David Eaton is a geoscientist interested in the impact of human industrial activities on geological phenomena. His research has focused on better understanding...
by nick | Feb 22, 2017 | Earth & Environmental Sciences, Life Sciences & Biology
Dr Diliana D. Simeonova – Deciphering Unknown And Unrecognised Phosphorus-Microbial Transformations Dr Diliana D. Simeonova and her colleagues at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Microbiology in Sofia, Bulgaria perform research at the interface...
by nick | Feb 22, 2017 | Earth & Environmental Sciences, Life Sciences & Biology
Professor Stephen Goff – Contagious Cancer Cells In Shellfish Professor Stephen Goff of Columbia University studies transmissible cancer in shellfish. His interest in viruses and their role in cancer led him to initially research a potential viral cause for...
by nick | Feb 22, 2017 | Earth & Environmental Sciences, Physical Sciences & Mathematics
Professor Yongkang Xue – Anthropogenic Contributions To The Sahel Mega-Droughts Geography and climatology researcher Professor Yongkang Xue at the University of California, Los Angeles, has shown for the first time, in a series of studies using multi-model...
by nick | Feb 22, 2017 | Astronomy and Planetary Science, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Physical Sciences & Mathematics
Dr Tony Lui – Investigating Plasma Storms And Substorms In Our Near-Earth Backyard Space physicist Dr Tony Lui has spent four decades increasing our understanding of the mechanisms behind the magnetic disturbances and interactions of space plasma surrounding our...
by nick | Feb 22, 2017 | Astronomy and Planetary Science, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Physical Sciences & Mathematics
Dark Is The New Black Eighty-four percent of the matter in the universe is made of something we cannot see, cannot detect, can only guess at based on the gravitational shadows it leaves in the visible universe. Sounds crazy? Welcome to the world of dark matter, where...
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